OREAS 72a is a low grade nickel sulphide ore prepared from a blend of high grade nickel ore from the Cosmos nickel mine, Leinster region of Western Australia, and barren alkali olivine basalt from Epping, Victoria, Australia. It is one of a suite of six nickel sulphide CRMs (OREAS 72a to OREAS 77a). The Cosmos nickel mine is operated by Xstrata Nickel and is located in the Kathleen Valley area approximately 30km north of Leinster in Western Australia. It lies within the Agnew-Wiluna portion of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt. This portion of the belt is strongly attenuated and characterised by large scale faults, complex folding and typically steep dips. It is a typical Kambalda-style, komatiite-associated, massive sulphide deposit representing an essentially in-situ accumulation of primary magmatic Ni-Fe sulphides with minor by-products including Cu, Co and platinum group elements (PGE’s). The Cosmos deposit comprises one discrete zone of massive and semi-massive sulphides extending over a strike length of 240m. Mineralisation is strata bound between the overlying ultramafic unit and the underlying dolerite and felsic volcanic rocks. Continuity of grade and width of mineralisation are strong both along strike and down dip.

Analyte Certified Value 1SD 95% Confidence Limits Low 95% Confidence Limits High Method
Ni, Nickel (wt.%) 0.693 0.025 0.683 0.704 4-Acid Digestion
Pt, Platinum (ppb) 36.0 3.0 34.0 38.0 Pb Fire Assay
Pd, Palladium (ppb) 41.0 3.5 39.0 44.0 Pb Fire Assay
Au, Gold (ppb) 6.0 2.00 5.0 7.0 Pb Fire Assay
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 13.60 0.500 13.30 13.90 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
As, Arsenic (ppm) 13.6 9.4 17.8 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 176 23 162 190 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Cr, Chromium (ppm) 273 39 251 295 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Cu, Copper (ppm) 333 19 330 336 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Fe, Iron (wt.%) 9.54 0.165 9.45 9.62 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 6.66 0.205 6.54 6.78 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Ni, Nickel (wt.%) 0.692 0.035 0.675 0.708 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
S, Sulphur (wt.%) 1.67 0.090 1.57 1.76 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
SiO2, Silicon dioxide (wt.%) 48.90 1.550 48.00 50.00 Borate / Peroxide Fusion ICP
Al2O3, Aluminium(III) oxide (wt.%) 13.70 0.600 13.30 14.10 4-Acid Digestion
As, Arsenic (ppm) 14.7 5.7 10.5 18.9 4-Acid Digestion
Co, Cobalt (ppm) 157 12 151 164 4-Acid Digestion
Cr, Chromium (ppm) 228 18 216 241 4-Acid Digestion
Cu, Copper (ppm) 316 16 309 323 4-Acid Digestion
Fe, Iron (wt.%) 9.63 0.215 9.55 9.70 4-Acid Digestion
MgO, Magnesium oxide (wt.%) 6.72 0.275 6.56 6.89 4-Acid Digestion
S, Sulphur (wt.%) 1.74 0.135 1.65 1.84 4-Acid Digestion
S, Sulphur (wt.%) 1.66 0.090 1.61 1.70 Infrared Combustion
Certificate DataPack SDS NRAM (226 KB)

This CRM is no longer available.
Information is provided for reference only.
